What three shelf stand should I purchase?

Can't get crazy. WAF very low after making a painful..lol..(for her, that is) speaker purchase. 845 tubes/100lb amp. I need a stable stand. please advise. thanks in advance.
Have a price range?

I can say, as guy that did go crazy on stands, they make a huge difference especially with tubes and digital and vinyl...
12-29-12: Syntax
Audiophile Rule no. 1:

No woman ... no cry

I can name that tune in 2 notes.
I also think that wood is the way to go. If you are handy you can DIY one out of threaded brass rod And wood slabs. Alternatively you can use butcher block or other "manufactured wood oproduct. The wood can be stained any color you like for WAF. I prefer edge grain maple bock.