What tube amps for the Quad ELS 63

I have recently purchased a pair of Quad ELS63's and am looking for some advice on a tubed amplification for CD use only. I have been using them with a Linn Classik integrated CD and amplifier and while they are OK they are hardly musical and involving. All thoughts appreciated!
I've used two tube amps with Quad ESL 63's that have had the wonderful Nick Gowan upgrade (62' of inferior wire replaced, among a lot of other, more obvious things). One was a heavily customized Sonic Frontiers SFS-40, the other was a pair of Atma-Sphere M60 II.2's. It was no contest, in favor of the A-S amps, which are legendary for their ability to get great sound out of electrostatic speakers. As far as I can see, the legend is the simple truth.
I have owned ESL 63s since 1981, 1984, 1992, three different runs. The very best amps I have used on them were

ARC D-79
ARC D-150
ARC D-115 II
JADIS JA-80 (When they sold for $5500.00 New)
Conrad Johnson MV-75A
LEAK Stereo 50
Try any of thes amps with a good solid Sony CD Unit with motorised volume and never look back. You wont be very far from the truth.....Frank
My small experience of old with 63's (10 yrs ago) both agrees with Detlof's &, strangely, agrees & differs from Frank's above:
-The small Jadis (now Defy7) gave me great joy;
-The Jadis 80 were my "reference" at the time; note that these were wearing ancient GE tubes -- I couldn't afford to re-tube them!
-Old Symphonic Line RG4 monos (ss), were at par w/Jadis 80 in driving, but I slightly preferred the sound of J80 over the S-Line in the upper mids (maybe due to my being accustomed to tubes)
-The Quad-Linn combo's I tried were... off (surely not only a matter of components synergy but also of set-up on my part)
- EAR 519 monos: good synergy & drove the speakers well
-The A-Research I listened to (the 150, I think) didn't quite involve me emotionally.
-Finally, Quad's own 45 (?) ss, sounded harsh

Note that during that time I was using a DNM6 pre with the power amps, only had a few cd's, and listened mostly to, and judged by vinyl.
Greg, the D-150 I use is the 1975 all tube model, not to be confused with the classic 150 monoblocks, which most definitely lack emotion. You know, the "better" this stuff gets, the WORSE it gets.............Frank
Gotcha, Frank, thanks. The AR model I refered to above was indeed a monoblocks version. Sorry!