what type of sand to use?

if one plans on filling their stereo racks legs with sand,,,is there a type of sand to use?

What are the risks to the planet if you mix Alien Sand with Machina Dynamica Brilliant pebbles?

No,no,no.Do not mix them.That stuff is quacky.My Alien Sand is the real deal.Beware of false prophets.Stick with proven,real life acessories.Only 5 pounds left,act now.
Play sand mixed with small gauge lead shot should do the trick nicely. The differing density of the two materials mixed together deaden the sonic signature of the rack without emphasizing or de-emphasizing any part of the frequency band thus not allowing the stand to have a sonic signature of its own.
No one has talked about fine grain sand. Just go a janitorial supply place and buy a 50 LB bag of silicone sand (used in hotel lobby ash trays). Cheap, about $10-$15 a bag. I used it with Bright Star Audio Big Rocks when I had them. Good listening, Jeff
I bought a the suggested white sand for playground use. Then I went to the 12 o'clock mass and had the priest bless it when I went up to receive communion. My wife then left me when we got home, finally I was able to listen to music in peace. I hope she doesn't come back!