what type of sand to use?

if one plans on filling their stereo racks legs with sand,,,is there a type of sand to use?

No one has talked about fine grain sand. Just go a janitorial supply place and buy a 50 LB bag of silicone sand (used in hotel lobby ash trays). Cheap, about $10-$15 a bag. I used it with Bright Star Audio Big Rocks when I had them. Good listening, Jeff
I bought a the suggested white sand for playground use. Then I went to the 12 o'clock mass and had the priest bless it when I went up to receive communion. My wife then left me when we got home, finally I was able to listen to music in peace. I hope she doesn't come back!
goldenear,let's try to keep religion out of the conversation and stick with tried and true facts,like my Alien Sand.Only 2 pounds left,get some while you still can.
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