What was your first music that you paid for?

In fifth grade I received a stereo for Christmas. What a mistake my parents made, I never stopped the hobby. My firat album was Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass with :What Now My Love" my first 45 was "Guitarzan by Ray Stevens and the first 8-track was Frijid Pink.

What was the first music you purchased?
My first record was Hang On Sloopy by the McCoys. Purchased at Giant Music for about $2.47 (standard LP price in those days). I also got the Beatles Second Album and Paul Revere and the Raiders all around the same time. Different shopping trips, though, as I could only afford one album at a time on my allowance and baby-sitting money.
I can't remember life without music. My parents let me operate the console before I was 5 yrs old. The earliest thing I played over and over and over again is viewable on old 16mm movie film. The Venture's album with the surfer on the big wave on the silverish-blueish album cover. I kept playing that first song over and over.
Eric Clapton Slow Hand. The tape is worn out but I still have it for sentimental reasons.