What will beat ear 834p by a margin

I may be barking up the wrong tree. I was considering going for the GSP AUDIO ERA GOLD, or PASS XONO, OR ACOUSTECH PH-1P, OR AESTHTIX RHEA, or WHEST P20, or K and K kit, or SUTHERLAND PH.D. But I am wondering if this is a worthwhile expense? I am getting the impression that what I have is perty darn good! I can't look at the boulder or aesthetix for obvious reasons ($), so what is there that will beat the ear 834p by a big enough margin to justify the added expense? I am guessing that these may be better but which one stands out? My top choices were: GSP but EAR834P topped it, RHEA but heard its noisy, EAR 324 but heard it lacks bass headroom, PASS XONO but not quietest, WHEST but lacks micro-detail, SUTHERLAND PH.D not dynamic, EVANS GROOVE, AUDIO RESEARCH PH5, BAT VKP10, HAGERMAN TRUMPET, ART AUDIO, CARY 302, etc. Other than manley steelhead what would be considered 2nd best after boulder 2008 and aesthetix io signature. I am guessing maybe EVANS, CARY, BAT VKP10SE, AESTHETIX non signature, PASS XONO, K and K, AUDIO RESEARCH PH5 or REFERENCE, HAGERMAN TRUMPET, ASR BASIS, AYRE, CONRAD JOHNSON 15, LINN LINTO, CLEARAUDIO, HERRON VTPH1, ARTEMIS, ROWLAND CADENCE or do I stick with EAR834P. . And can the IO be upgraded from non to signature, and the BAT VK P10 to an se. And is the K and K really that good, is it much better than an EAR834P?
Good point Goatwuss,

Upgrading one part of a system often has the disadvantage of revealing weaknesses in other parts. Or, at the very lest, throwing off the "synergy" that existed before.

For me, getting better speakers required better amps, which required better sources, which required better cables, which all led to revealing how horrible the AC power in my house was. Which required balanced isolation transformers and filtering, etc.

Gotta love this neurotic hobby and the damage it does to retirement accounts.
Is there a tube preamp that goes well with the sim? I thought I had a very good preamp but I am open to suggestions. Of course you realize I want only the best but not at stratospheric prices.
Pedrillo - By no means am I trying to "diss" your equipment, this is just what I found in my experience.

I've heard the Hovland preamp at about 5k, the Supratek Syrah at around $3k, and the Nagra PlP which is a bit more, all sounded AMAZING with the w5.

I'll bet something like BAT or CJ would be quite nice too.

If someone you know has a good one, or a local dealer is good with home auditions, I think it would be very interesting for you to give it a try.
Pedrillo - Analog, you got to love it! Take a hard look to see if any of the rest of your equipment chain, synergy matching between cart, arm, phono is limiting or shaping the music in a way you want to change. If and when the phono is the weak link, I would think it would be worth checking out the new Graham Slee Reflex or Revelation (if you any have older jazz and blues recordings) in your system if at all possible for your direct comparison. Remember you are the chef! Modify your recipe to your taste, just remember all ingredients interact and affect the outcome....and only you have your unique biological / neurological hearing capabilities, skills & preferences.
Enjoy your music!
Just replaced my EAR 834p with a Rhea and the improvement is SIGNIFICANT. Just installed it last night but immediately there was greatly improved, imaging, bass extension and texture, dynamic range, timbre accuracy, three dimensionality, ease of listening, width and height of soundstage, separation of instruments and vocal resolution and clarity. Everything.

Much, much improved.
