Whatever Happened To SAE?

I remember in the seventies walking into a Cal Stereo store in the LA area and seeing the SAE equipment. I was a college student back then and owned a reciever. The SAE stuff with it's black metal and white graphics looked sooo imposing and impressive. Amp, preamp, tuner and EQ all in one stack....man, if I could ever own something like that one day! By the time I could afford decent equipment, SAE has been long gone.

Was their stuff any good?

What happened to them?

Actually, the SAE stuff that preceded the black stacks was their really good stuff and they were already being diluted in your time. Long, long gone.

I remember feeling as Mitch4t did back then, that SAE was the bitchin-ist looking gear there was. Then Phase Linear. Never did own any of either.
I don't know what happened to SAE...did it not become ATI? I had some SAE gear years ago driving my DQ-10's...lots of meters, looked cool!...was not to impressed with the sound though, somewhat bright and cold sounding.
