Whats the diff in these Synergistic Research cable

Whats the difference in sound between the Synergistic Research cables: Resolution, Designer and Absolute Reference cables? I seen on line everything from to airy and bright to warm, and neutral. What are your experiences? I plan to get some Designer Reference interconnects and Absolute Reference speaker cables to run from my Sony 5400ES CDP through my Rogue Athena Pre amp to my Rogue Mono blocks and Martin Logan SL3's. My System is just a little bit on the bright side. Am I headed for trouble and too much bright-ness? I have heard about the new Acoustic cables adding to much mid-range bloom.
Whats your opinion?
Hello Zeal, all,

I have long used Synergistic Research cables in my system, although I haven't been able to afford their top tier cables, I have been very satisfied with the purchases I have made. The only suggestion I can make is to contact The Cable Company, and avail yourself of their cable lending library, where for a fee, you can borrow the cables you are interested in, and then if you purchase, the lending fee goes toward the purchase price of the cables. I have done this a few times, and it has been a positive experience, allowing me to make informed purchasing decisions.

Best of luck,
Zeal, SR makes a line of ICs named the Magnetic Tricon and it is in the Tesla Series.I have these throughout my system and am very satisfied with them. I suggest that you give them a listen. They are one notch below the Accelerators and I thought that the Magnetic Tricon were so good in my system that the extra cost to get the Accelerators was not worth the difference.
Best of luck.