When comparing towers to bookshelves, do you let a subwoofer into the mix?

I'm presently comparing bookshelves to towers in my listening space.
Until today, I've just compared the speakers without adding my sub.
But since I would be using a sub (especially with bookshelves) it seems fair to add that in.

How would you make a final judgment comparing two speakers?

Naked (no subs) -- Speaker A vs. Speaker B?
With Sub (since that's how things would actually happen)?

Perhaps this question answers itself with "both" but I'm curious what folks do in this situation. It seems unfair to blame the bookshelf for not having the low end of the tower, but I would be using it with a sub, so that would allow me to judge on just the non-bass performance
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only fair way to do the comparison is how it will be listened to in your home. If you are going to listen to the standmounts with a sub, it is critical that not only do you have the sub on hand, but you spend the time to integrate it with the standmounts. Take the time and that will give you both a fair sound and budget comparison.

If you don't, odds are you are going to gravitate toward the fuller sound of the floorstanders.  Not that this is a bad thing but you are essentially stacking the deck against one option.  
Thanks @verdant. @Oldhvymec made a good point -- if it was for a review, then naked vs. naked. Otherwise, this is about the whole situation. And that would include (of course) dialing sub in, positioning, etc. Otherwise, it’s really not controlling the variables which can be controlled. That's just a kabuki-experiment.
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In reviewing, never. It is not a pure comparison if one uses another device/product, component, cable, etc. if the idea is to gain insight how speaker A compares with speaker B. Any additional element will skew the result. I add that the comparison might be of the two speakers in situ, or might be as maximized, which would involve typically different setups. I enjoy comparing ultimate performances of products, as it might be expected that when a different speaker is dropped into the system that has been optimized for the initial speaker, the new one would be expected not to perform at its potential.

Having said that, it is legit once a baseline is established, to add a subwoofer, etc. Obviously, the comparison is then between complementary products, sub and bookshelf, vs. floor standing speaker. Results will obviously change, and that’s ok.

There is no sin in working with subs and bookshelf speakers, however it should be remembered that typically the full range/floor standing speaker will also benefit from the subwoofer(s), so there’s often no net advantage in employing the sub(s) as though it really gets you a radically different outcome between the bookshelf and floor standing speaker - unless, of course, you ignore potential use of the sub with the tower speaker...