Data volumes and available bandwidth of many home digital systems and associated higher costs is still a major barrier for large scale application of high res digital.
It will continue get better over time.
Source material may still be limited, but it is possible for one to implement high res digital in their home systems today if really desired, but the cost will be high and overall utility to users will be lower in most every aspect save perhaps the one that matters most to audiophiles: sound quality.
mp3 and other compressed formats are not a conspiracy against good sound as many expound, but more of a practical compromise that helps enable greater value to the masses overall. Sound quality is just one thing that most factor into their buying decisions.
It will continue get better over time.
Source material may still be limited, but it is possible for one to implement high res digital in their home systems today if really desired, but the cost will be high and overall utility to users will be lower in most every aspect save perhaps the one that matters most to audiophiles: sound quality.
mp3 and other compressed formats are not a conspiracy against good sound as many expound, but more of a practical compromise that helps enable greater value to the masses overall. Sound quality is just one thing that most factor into their buying decisions.