When speakers duplicate drivers

What are the effects of duplicating drivers? I'm not talking about the so-called "half" driver where one does, say, both bass and midrange and the other does only bass, I'm talking about straight duplication.

What is the effect on sound? From a technical standpoint, what happens to the incoming signal when it gets split over duplicate drivers?
Done correctly it can work quite well for more power handling. SPL and dynamics- especially bass output.  A good example would be two woofers handing off to a midrange driver at a low enough frequency (e.g. 400Hz) where distortion and phase issues are not audible.  A 2.5 way can accomplish the same thing.  
Google "D'Appolito configuration" and you'll get one argument for this approach.
I have Monitor Audio PL-500's and they are the best speakers that I've ever owned.
Three 6.5 inch drivers handing off(1700Hz) to a 5.75 inch tractrix horn with a 1.25 inch compression titanium driver.  Very smooth transition with no cancellation or phase issues that are noticeable.
