When your wife...

My wife discovered that we need an audio system because my son is playing piano for 3 years and he needs an audio system. As long as I am unemployed I cannot afford too much.
So, my wife looking around came from a dealer with the clear idea that the best system is that one that she saw there:
Yamaha HTR-5660 Receiver for $260 and
PSB IMAGE 4T for $235.

Now, I am wondering if we can do better than this for $500. Is hard for me to believe that she went somewhere and at the first sight she came with the best system for $500.

The system it will be used for (in this order):
1. audio for TV
2. Radio listening (rock, classical, jazz)
3. DVD movies
4. auditioning DVD-audio, CDs and mp3s
5. keyboard for my son (classical piano)

So, I want to show her that an integrated amplifier and some bookshelf speakers can do better than a receiver and towers for $500.

We already have a DVD player Toshiba SD-4900 that we intend to use for playing DVD-audio, CDs and mp3s.

We live in an apartement in a building so the power is not the top priority for us. Rather quality at low and very low levels.

Anyone can help me with any advise?

Thank you very much
Hey, for $500 maybe your wife is right. It certainly wouldn't hurt to please her and you can always upgrade later when your financial outlook improves. Any amp and monitor system you could find for $500 wouldn't exactly be a world-beater anyway...
Bogdan: I am afraid for 500.00, you'd probably can't do better than what she came up with.

I bought a pair of Image 5T for my sister and they are not bad at all considering their price. The only thing I can criticize about the 5T is that they do not have the warm midrange of some of the high-end British speakers. Other than that, as far as imaging, dynamic, top-to-bottom balance, they are really good especially at their price range. Or you could buy a pair of Acoustic Energy Aegis 1 (this is the older model NOT the EVO) for about 200.00 which would give you 300 for a used integrated amp.

As for the amp, you could buy a used Nad 320BEE for about 300.00 which may bring the cost up a bit and you have to forego the AM/FM or you can save money to by decent second hand AM/FM radio later.