Where are the young audiophiles?

I find it alarming that 95% of all audiophiles are seniors.According to a consultant at my local HI-FI store,young people don't seem interested in high-end equipment.They listen to music on their phone.Sooner or later, all the great neighborhood HI-FI stores will not be able to remain open. Kind of sad,don't you think?
Honestly, there are too many other choices now.  When I talk to kids my daughter's age or older (12), they're all into gaming.  Gaming is a major time sucker as we all know.  Where's the time for music? 
@ironlung sorry man sounds like you've been hanging out at some crappy dealers. There are good ones out there trust me. Case in point I called my dealer today got voicemail, decided to send an email instead. Got a reply about an hour later saying sorry they couldn't get to the phone earlier the store was packed with customers. I didn't ask anyones age but that seemed like a positive sign to me that the hobby is not totally dead.
There are good dealers and bad dealers, like in any market. I have found and remained close to those that have an actual passion for high end audio. Typically I will interview the first person that I meet in a new store, access his knowledge and biases. If he is a trainee, I’ll figure out who the person with knowledge is. If it is a snobby place that just pushes expensive boxes, then I’ll listen to their systems, learn what I can, and not come back.
When I find an real audio shop and I will usually hit it off with the person. We recognize each other for people that have deep knowledge (now, when I was younger... I was serious in learning, not so much knowledge) Typically, it will be the store owner. We exchange ideas and observations. If he is good, I can describe my tastes an interests and he can proactively put together stuff I should like. I have had multiple relationships lasting 20 years or more.

My current audio guy usually takes the afternoon off when he comes over to deliver something. The system we put together for me is also one he likes but can’t always put together in his showroom, so he’ll bring it over something new to my house and we’ll listen to it. He’ll leave it for a week or two if I like.
I think audiophilia, the kind many here subscribe to would be considered by many younger to be elitist and a bit bizarre. It is not very inviting, nor inclusive and feels a bit like a strange club. Younger people these days tend to be more experienced oriented not thing oriented. Sharing your stereo on Instagram is not "cool" to them. Tighter housing also means less opportunity for the volume levels to enjoy.
Elitist: “a person having, thought to have, or professing superior intellect or talent, power, wealth, or membership in the upper echelons of society.”

Generally, audiophilia is a solitary pursuit, we tend to be loners. Certainly I can’t imagine anyone posting a photo of their system on Facebook and most don’t have an Instagram account. I liken us more to the short wave enthusiasts of the 1940’s - 60’s.
Interesting stereotype though, I’m flattered. My father called me stupid, I got C’s in high school... took seven years to get through college. But went back and got a Masters Degree and worked my way up to Director of Information Technology of large global companies... wow, I’m finally perceived to be  a member of an elite group, cool.