TWL - thanks for pointing that out. Also, I agree. Chris is a true gentleman and very informative! Always.
My math skills are lousy but I'll give this a try...
Assuming the nut which secures the bearing to the base is a hexigon, measuring 1.725 diameter (from Teres website) and threads around a 1.125" spindle. I estimate this would provide .3075" (slightly less than 5/16) of contact at the widest point on each side of the bearing and .1825" (slightly less than 3/16 but closer to 2/11).
This means that the average contact area of the nut would be .245" or ever-so-slightly less than 1/4". Which is double what was suggested.
The Teres Bearing Mounting Stub is 2.5" long and from the pictures I just looked at (in the 200 series manual)shows the bearing sitting inside the "mounting stub" at what appears to be a 1" depth. So since the bearing housing of the Teres bearing differs in diameter for the reservoir and the mounting stub making a statement that the bearing housing is X diameter is not exactly true is it??
While it sounds better to say the bearing housing is wider (or as Redpoint put it - the Redpoint bearing is a Teres bearing on Steroids) but does it really matter? Honestly now.
My math skills are lousy but I'll give this a try...
Assuming the nut which secures the bearing to the base is a hexigon, measuring 1.725 diameter (from Teres website) and threads around a 1.125" spindle. I estimate this would provide .3075" (slightly less than 5/16) of contact at the widest point on each side of the bearing and .1825" (slightly less than 3/16 but closer to 2/11).
This means that the average contact area of the nut would be .245" or ever-so-slightly less than 1/4". Which is double what was suggested.
The Teres Bearing Mounting Stub is 2.5" long and from the pictures I just looked at (in the 200 series manual)shows the bearing sitting inside the "mounting stub" at what appears to be a 1" depth. So since the bearing housing of the Teres bearing differs in diameter for the reservoir and the mounting stub making a statement that the bearing housing is X diameter is not exactly true is it??
While it sounds better to say the bearing housing is wider (or as Redpoint put it - the Redpoint bearing is a Teres bearing on Steroids) but does it really matter? Honestly now.