Where can I hear Teres

I have read alot about the Teres TT,where in the name of
god can I hear one?
Bryan, thanks for the calculations. I was sure that it was more than they were stating.

Regarding the massiveness of the bearing housing, it is at the point where it is so massive already, that I really don't see why any larger is better. The Teres bearing totally dwarfs the Linn bearing that you have on your table right now. It is like a 747 next to a Cessna 150. I would say that the whole matter rests upon the sonic performance. Nothing else is really germaine to the discussion, except maybe appearance. If these "improvements" are not sonically better, than what purpose do they serve? I don't know if they are or not, but I have my suspicions. My suspicions are that Teres and Redpoint are targeted at similar markets, and that Teres has achieved better penetration of that market. Redpoint is playing "catch up". Apparently they've decided that "attacking" the competition will steer sales in their direction. I doubt it. I think that Redpoint is suffering from "styling" difficulties that will not allow it to penetrate into the high-end audiophile market, as its appearance will visually detract from many high-end systems. This is a major consideration in design, and one they have not yet mastered, in my opinion. Whether it sounds as good as a Teres, I don't know.
Twl, I have read many threads you have participated in and respect your opinions regarding analog systems. You obviously do not like the industial design of the Redpoint product. Before buying I had checked out the Teres website and was turned off by its wood base and clear platter with visible lead shot. Was just not my cup of tea, I guess to each his own. I will say that the Redpoint Testa Rosa is much better looking in person than in the photograph on the website. I do not much care for their Quatro TT design although it does sound quite good. Also I feel that several on this website are accusing Redpoint of bad mouthing the competition. All I will say about this is that in multiple meetings with my contact at Redpoint and discussions regarding his association with Teres not once did he ever speak negatively of Chris or his company. I am sure that they feel that they have done some things that are an improvement over other turntable designs, after looking and listening to their tables I tend to agree although this is very subjective and others could disagree.
Dmailer, yes I agree that my styling opinion is definitely subjective to my tastes. I can also see that the Teres may not appeal to others as well. From what I have read on the Redpoint, it has all the earmarks of a fine sounding turntable, that may even be better sounding than the Teres. I can't say for sure, because as I stated earlier, I have not even heard a Redpoint, much less compare them. My comments regarding any negative statements were in response to Bwhite's comments about distinctly getting that impression. I have nothing against Redpoint or their TTs, except that I am not particularly wild about the look. If I had not come across the Teres, I may very well have ended up with a Redpoint instead, because the sonics mean more to me than the appearance. And I did consider the idea, but the Redpoint was several hundred dollars more, and I preferred the Teres styling, and from what I could gather from the sparse info available, they were both similar sonically. I think they are both very good value for dollar, compared to the usual selections out there.
Negative? It is clear to me after reviewing the Redpoint website and meeting a Redpoint person that the aim of Redpoint is to take what was learned from the original Teres project and build on that. The marketing - and comparisons they make seem logical but as marketing goes, maybe a little exaggerated?

That is to be expected.

I think most of the "differentiation" that Redpoint provided me was in regard to the fact that I am in the process of building a Teres and I wanted to know why they think the Redpoint is better.

Chris has proven in this forum and others to be a perfect gentleman who lets the performance of his product and the happy customers do the talking.

Frankly, I am grateful that both Teres and Redpoint have put such an amazing investment into the development of their respective products.
Oh... also, the Redpoint looks better in person. I too thought they were "butt ugly" on the website. The PVC appears to be a light gray color on the website but is actually very dark gray.. About the color of un-tinted Carbon Fiber. Apparently the more "buffing" done to the PVC, the darker it gets. A rough PVC surface - just machined - would be light gray and once sanded/polished/finished its dark gray.

The 20 sided (Twenty-gon?) platter was neat-o. Looks quite cool when it spins.

For whatever reason, while looking at the website, I got the impression the Redpoint tables were "dull".. instead they are chrome-like, highly polished aluminum.