Where do you go after a BlueSound Node 2i?

Whats the next step after the Bluesound Node 2i?  I love the interface with the Bluesound so I don’t want to go backwards on that and I do use the bluetooth option sometimes to stream soundcloud, which sounds really quite good.  My main service is Amazon HD music.

So, what next?  Schiit Gungir Multibit or Cambridge Audio Azur 851N or ...?

Thanks for your help! I know this has probably been discussed before but I couldn’t find the threads!


Best Regards,
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I would echo many of the above responses.  

I run TIDAL through a Node 2 (wired input via Cat6a) to an external DAC (Electrocompaniet ECD-1) and recently upgraded the coax interconnect to a Tara Labs 'The One' with HFX ground station - SQ is excellent.

In terms of alternatives to the Node, I think you'll have to spend a lot of money to improve SQ if a high-quality digital cable and a high-quality external DAC are already in use with the Node.
@cio52  sorry for the delay

I don't believe the streamer 'quality' is as important as the 'DAC'.

My rationale is when I upgraded from the Node 2i streamer, I listened to it in 3 configurations.
1.  Node 2i - Streaming and functioning as a DAC
2.  Node 2i - streaming with my McIntosh C2600 functioning as a DAC
3.  Node 2i - streaming with Moon 280 D functioning as a DAC

I noticed an improvement from 1 and 2 on clarity of details in peaks of music.  The use of the Moon as a DAC demonstrated a greater improvement and the overall details throughout the range of peaks and valleys in music.

Additionally, I tested the impact of using the Node to stream versus the Moon and I didn't hear any difference.  I noticed the interface difference.  Therefore I believe the streamer is simply provide source content to the DAC - I'm speaking only from experience as I am not an expert on all DACS.  (I know there are some DACs that require separate clocks)
@mrklas thanks for your response

Since I wrote last I have decided to buy the Roon Nucleus with an SBooster power supply and a 1TB SSD to replace the Node 2i over coax and Roon from the Windows 10 computer.  I am waiting on them to be delivered.  I will be using the DAC on the C49 and a Morrow Reference USB cable.  Will write more after I've had a chance to break everything in.
@mrklas -- I have to respectfully disagree. I replaced the Node 2i, which was feeding an external DAC, with Sonore opticalRendu feeding into the same DAC, and the difference in sound is quite substantial. I haven't done a blind test, but I have swapped the two units several times just to make sure the gains were real. Having said that, I understand that auditory memory is not a reliable yardstick, but I definitely enjoy the wider soundstage, and a noticeably lower noise floor.