Spouse likes 'something simple', so I'm already prepping to fulfill that wish. She like the Maggies, so that's simple enough to follow through with.
Since I've asked to be toasted or dissolved and tossed into the local river (The French Broad, my 'last chance to be in a woman in some fashion'...), burning equipment literally doesn't make a lot of sense, I'll will it to the local Habitat and let the local 'philes fight over it in the auctions they run monthly.
Our local Habitat is the 3rd largest in terms of sales and participation, so it ought to give them a boost in their donations. Any good 'fi' stuff disappears quickly... ;)
No children or grands, so my nephew and niece would be the only direct ones to pester with it. And I doubt they'd have much interest in stuff that would have to travel across the continent.
I doubt any of y'all would be interested, except for some the 2 pair of large Heil amts' or my diy omnis. The latter are already promised, so the Heils' would be the main interest items...
So place your bets, and be patient...I'm in no particular rush.... ;)