Where does the money go in a Blu Ray player?

Where does the money go in a Blu Ray player?

Is the picture appreciably better in a $4,000 player versus a $500 player? I'm sure you can get better sound and other features as you go up the Blu Ray food chain, but does the Blu Ray image improve all that much as the cost increases? I know that some have better up-conversion than others. But, are all Blu Ray images created equal?
The video chip, which comes in different versions that sony charges different prices.
If a Blu Ray player plays a Blu Ray movie at 1080p, how much better can a Blu Ray image in a $4,000 player be in say a $500 player like the Opppo 93?. Or even in $150 Blu Ray player?
How much better can a $10,000 amp be than a $4000 amp, or even a $1000 amp, if they are all rated at 200wpc? On a system like you have Mitch, why would you even consider a cheap player?