Where go in Tampa area to repair turntable?

I shipped an old Philips GA 212 turntable to a relative in Tampa and it was damaged in transit.  Wondering where you would take it for repair in Tampa - St Petersburg area?  I know it is old and modest, but it belonged to an older relative and has important  sentimental value even if the audio value is questionable.

Thanks in advance,

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How much damage? I have owned the GA 212. I'm in the area - a half-hour north of St.Pete, near the coast. I might be able to do the repair! Send me a PM.
Ron at Sound Exchange helped me out with my Denon DP-60L. Nice guy and excellent service.
Thanks @roberjerman and @asahitoro. I will probably check out Sound Exchange. The turntable was a gift for someone new to analog and they probably need to establish a relationship with a local retail outlet.