Where is your equipment placed?

I swear I can hear a difference in the soundstage if my equipment is placed in between my speakers as opposed to placing it behind me and having nothing in between my speakers. Another strange observation is that it always makes the right side stronger no matter what. I hear the vocals shift to the right. What's the deal??
You know how when sometimes you type lol, but you don't actually laugh out loud? That actually made me laugh out loud, and I still am laughing. Freaking hilarious! Great correlation! Now back to where you keep your valuables...
Hopefully not in the room with your speakers. The acoustic energy flying around any room will wash over your equipment no matter where in the room it is placed, no matter what isolation devices you use. A naked room is best, you and the speakers. If you cannot get it out of the room construct some acoustic 'shields' around the equipment, especially the turntable.