Where to buy a Roksan Kandy Integrated in the US?


Am new to the forum, and just learning about the world of the audiophile. I am interested in purchasing a Roksan Kandy amp, but don't want to spend more than $1000. Obviously, this makes a second hand amp the most reasonable choice. I have been checking this forum's classifieds and e-Bay for the last few days but have not seen anything yet.

Question: How would you recommend I go about finding this amp?

I live in the Washington DC area, and haven't had any luck with local dealers, yet...

Would like to pair it with B&W probably the 6-series bookshelf (685, I think), and either a Roksan CD player or a Rega player.

Question: Does this sound like a good set up? Are there other comparable combinations that you might recommend?

I listen to a massive range of music: classical, jazz, big band, rock, down-tempo electronic.

Thanks everyone! Great Forum!
I had a Kandy MK3CD player. I found it to be a bit hard and edgy. Good for some good ole hard rock and roll I guess. Although I really liked the live presence it presented especially in studio recording and especially indy labels where the band has more say of what they want the recording to sound like. I have a Classe ( CA series )amp these days and it is as smooth as you know what. But if thats what you want post a wanted ad, there was a dealer tryin to unload some Roksan demo gear for a long time and he may still have it. And I think he posted recently also, I can't remember who it was though. Spearit Sound has alot of discounted Cambridge Audio stuff http://www.spearitsound.com/specials.htm
Some other nice amps you may want to consider are the Naim 5i, LFD, NAD 372 and the Exposure 2010. NAD is the best value, and you get a wonderful phono stage to boot.
In case you don't have it yet, here's a contact for Roksan.
They're a UK company, but surely they have US distribuition.
This contact was from a review done in 2001, but may still work.
One thing to consider if you're buying new, or trying to, warranty relief is a consideration...so if finding the company is difficult, how tough may it be to secure repairs later on, either in or out of warranty.

Good luck.