where to invest???

hi all, back again looking for some advice from the group. not sure where to post so i thought i'd start here. saved up a couple bucks and was looking to upgrade cabling first. but actually i am not sure what upgrade/additions would benefit my system best and to take care of first. specifically my system needs: isolation for evrything(was thinking herbies), upgrading cableing, ic's and speaker(am using blue jeans throught, was thinking pnf, ps audio statement, straley), aftermarket pc's(currently using all stock pc's, was looking at TAD's jellyfish ironlung all around to start or ps audio powerpunch), OR upgrading power conditioning(currently using belkin pf30 and a quantum symphony. was looking at audiomagic stealth basic, blue circle noisehound products, maybe a ps audio product). i can only do 1 complete category for the near future(at least a year). where do you guys think my money would be best spent?
dedictaed lines
jaton operetta 5140
marantz sr-6003(as pre)
totem dreamcatchers
belkin pf30/quantum symphony
bluejeans cable

Showing 2 responses by stringreen

I have installed an EP-2050 in my service panel with good results. It made my Sony LCD look cleaner and clearer, my stereo sound a bit better, and my toast tastier.
I have had poor results with "audiophile approved" power conditioners that one plugs into the wall and then their component into the conditioner. There was always a change, however, there was always a change for the worse. There may have been a wider soundstage, but decreased dynamics as an example. I am therefore going straight into the wall. The use of better power cords however, made a huge difference. ALL power cords sound different in my system...even different on different components from the same manufacturer. My suggestion is that you search for the cord that works in your system on the component that is specifically used. As an example, I am using Accrolink with Oyeida plugs on my Ayre C5xe, and Accrolink with Furutech F1 plugs on my Ayre V1xe amp. If I switch the cords, there is a definite loss of detail, and soundstage. The Environmental Protection gizmo provided a slight increase in clarity and soundstage with its protection, yet has no ill effects that I can hear.