Which amplifier should i buy

Iv'e already asked , quite similar question , but i would like to clarify my question. So , Iv'e ordered a new speakers, Magico A3 and now i want to buy an amplifier, a tube amplifier. The amount of money that i can allow myself is up to 20,000$. The possibilities that i thought about are : zesto eror 300 / vtl MB -450 series ||| signature / vac phi 170 (two - i mean transform it monobloc) . Those are the options that i thought about till now. Does anyone can recommend which is the best option in this amount of money , it doesn't have to be from the option list that i mentioned.Unfortunately  there are brands that i can not buy in my country (ISR) , for example cat....
Thanks to anyone . 
I am no authority on tubed amplification since I have always needed big power for my speakers, and tubed power has always been too expensive.  However, there have been a few amplifiers over the years that I would look at and say, "maybe this one."  One example that caught my eye on USAM the other day is a pair of Manley Neo Classic 500 Tube Monoblock Amplifiers.  They were still posted as of this morning.  I cannot speak to the SQ of the Manley amplifiers but their amps have received various good reviews over the years and if you have a need for high'ish power, the seller says they output "500 watts of power in tetrode mode and 275 watts in triode mode."
I agree with the others regarding Coda. Even though you have a preference for tubes (I have also for most of my life), try to audition the Coda No 16 amplifier. I think in this very recent review, the reviewer nails it; the best of solid state coupled with the best of tubes (for the far less costly Coda CSiB integrated) without the heat and cost of ownership (tube replacement).

Iv'e heard only good things about Gryphon , but I'm a bit fixed on tube amplifiers . I love there sound more than solid state amplifiers....
Thanks for your suggestion ! 
Given your stated objectives and  desires I believe that the CAT JL7 is a very good choice for your short list. This is a tube amplifier that I feel could drive the Magico A3 quite  well.
+1 on Mac

The https://rogershighfidelity.com/ Rogers 34S2 or KWM88 are great. I use an 88 to drive inefficient speakers. These are intagrated amps.