Which artists do you just NOW get?

A while back, I started a post about popular artists that I just didn't get. I thought it would be fun to turn it on its ear and ask about artists that you didn't understand in your (perhaps) misspent youth, but that you have acquired a taste for over time or maybe just recently. Same rules apply. It's meant to be fun. And a little revealing. Please don't make fun of anyone but yourself.

As for me. I have never been able to stand opera. But I find that I've recently developed a taste for Sarah Brightman. And Bocelli.
I always wondered why all the followers of Bob Dylan.
I've listened to him 'somewhat' but not seriously until recently.
Im still undecided but I do enjoy my SACD 'Blonde On Blonde' very much and am trying very hard to get into my 2 Sundazed mono pressings.
Im still scratching my head somewhat.
I'm with you on the Bob Dylan thing. I keep thinking he's an acquired taste. I saw him several years ago and was very underwhelmed... Although some of my friends who have seen him recently say he's singing much better now.
If we have this thread in 10 years I'm thinking I would start out my post with something like this; Mozart. I can't believe it's taken me this long to enjoy this genius. That's the beauty of music... As we change and hopefully evolve so do our taste. Discovering new music is great but sometimes RE-discovering music is even better. The natural question one asks is… Why didn’t I like that artist and why do I like them now? I don’t mean to sound profound… I just think it is interesting.