Which audio component would you like Santa to place under the christmas tree for you?

If you are not of Christian faith, and do not believe in Christ please take no offense to my post. If you think you have been sufficiently good enough to receive a gift, like the one Santa Claus may bring during the Christmas holiday, please post your wish. “What would you want Santa to leave for you, under the Christmas tree this holiday?” As a bonus...”What audio component would you gift another”?

Showing 3 responses by 2psyop

The post question is very clear. “Which audio component would you like Santa to place under the christmas tree for you?”
Since this is an audio forum, there should not be a way to make any offending remarks about women. I have a sense of humor, but common sense should tell anyone that some remarks are off color and offensive.
There are great and funny answers here, can we get back to regularly scheduled programming?
mesch, Yes the Vault would be a great addition to any stereo system. Very versatile and in my experience Bluesound offers tremendous customer service. I am big on audio companies who back their brand, their equipment!
You guys crack me up. I have a hard time believing all of you have been THAT good to ask Santa for these audio gems. MBL setup, Paradigm Concept 4, Burmeister, VAC statement?? Perhaps good enough for a Bose Wave radio, maybe???HaHa  But yes...one can dream for sure. If nothing else this thread is very entertaining and funny.