Which audio component would you like Santa to place under the christmas tree for you?

If you are not of Christian faith, and do not believe in Christ please take no offense to my post. If you think you have been sufficiently good enough to receive a gift, like the one Santa Claus may bring during the Christmas holiday, please post your wish. “What would you want Santa to leave for you, under the Christmas tree this holiday?” As a bonus...”What audio component would you gift another”?
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Showing 1 response by jim204

A Gryphon Kalliope DAC, heard some of my CD's on a full Gryphon system at my pals shop in Glagow. That sound was to die for , it just sounded so real . when he inserted the Dac and used the Mikado as a front end only Hi Fi disappeared and music just wrapped itself around us. Never forget it.
Oh and a gift for someone else , a Gretch country gentleman circa 1960s signed by Chet Atkins to give to my friend who is a not bad picker.