Shelter makes great sounding cartridges; I just wish they had a rebuild, retip, or at least an exchange service - but I've never heard any examples of such a thing?
What's a shame is that a brand new 501 Mk III costs only like $1000 or so from Japan, right? The $450 boron retip would get you back a Mk II at best, and that's close to the 50% cost of a newer Mk III that you'd expect to get back from a rebuild service (if Shelter had one price-structured like Ortofon and Koetsu). And of course the ruby cantilever will definitely change the sound, maybe not for the better. I don't like either of those options. I'd probably try to see if another retipper can keep boron for less money, or I'd get what I can for the 501 as-is by hocking it, and then buy a brand new Mk III from Japan.
What's a shame is that a brand new 501 Mk III costs only like $1000 or so from Japan, right? The $450 boron retip would get you back a Mk II at best, and that's close to the 50% cost of a newer Mk III that you'd expect to get back from a rebuild service (if Shelter had one price-structured like Ortofon and Koetsu). And of course the ruby cantilever will definitely change the sound, maybe not for the better. I don't like either of those options. I'd probably try to see if another retipper can keep boron for less money, or I'd get what I can for the 501 as-is by hocking it, and then buy a brand new Mk III from Japan.