I have two cartridges I plan on having re tipped by Soundsmith. One is a Shelter 501 II, and the other is a Lyra Lydian B. Both of these came originally with boron cantilevers. Is it worth the $450 each for the boron or should I go for the $350 ruby?
Ok. Seems boron is the way to go on the Shelter. More than half what I paid for the cartridge but still seems worth it if it sounds great when repaired. I decided to have them evaluate the Lyra. The stylus looks fine but has turned sideways. The cantilever is loose. I hope they can glue it.
I can't swear to this, but I do believe the Mk3 was at most only a few hundred bucks more than the Mk2 (not double the price of a Mk2), last spring when I was in Tokyo. It may even have been the same price. I eventually bought a Mk2 Mono.
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