Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


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Heatsinks are required, even for Gan devices switching at lower speeds, regardless of what EPC allegedly said.
This is not correct.

You can buy your own EPC GaN boards from Digikey, and yes they operate with no heatsink.
Because EPC’s Steve Colino said to me, (and I posted up his email), they are at 600khz switching speed, you can increase that to 1 or 1.5mhz as Steve said, but you will have to use a heatsink on them.



Here we go hopefully, one of the majors have got the rights to make it, watch Class-D take off now, and finally compete with the best of Linear amps in the mids and highs and beat it in the bass as it always did.

Cheers George
As fate would have it, one of my 3 Class D amps, the inexpensive $70 one (with Bluetooth) by Fosi Audio:


Uses this TI Class D chip that I was unfamiliar with prior:


If when the TI GaN technology reaches this product, assuming it has not already (don’t know), I hope the price does not jump too much.

It sounds very good! Much better than I could have hoped for the cost, though I am only using it with a pair of old Boston A40s in a lesser used 2-channel AV system currently. Also I do not hear the issues George claims even at this modest cost. Enjoying it thoroughly, though much different sounding than the classic old NAD 7020 it replaced. More like my other two much pricier Class D amps.

It got a near perfect 5 star average rating with 100s of reviewers on Amazon offering up similar praise. I guess they did not hear any problematic artifacts either.

You can buy your own EPC GaN boards from Digikey, and yes they operate with no heatsink.
Because EPC’s Steve Colino said to me, (and I posted up his email), they are at 600khz switching speed, you can increase that to 1 or 1.5mhz as Steve said, but you will have to use a heatsink on them.
Yes, the board itself is the heatsink, but is an evaluation board. If you ran this thing under heavy conditions, it would fail unless cooled by a fan or the output devices were mounted on a proper heatsink.