Which Class D Amplifier? PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrill or other???

I’m looking for a new amp & want Class D.

I’ve seen various brands mentioned, such as PS Audio, Ghent, Nord, Merrel to name a few, but I’ve not heard any of them.

Which company is producing the best sounding Class D?
Which models should I be looking to demo?


Hello Tweak1,

    Thanks for the heads up on the AA amps. I'm currently using the EP in bridged mode on my Magnepan CC3 center ch.  
    I discovered both the AA and EP amps use the older UcD class D power modules that are still very good.  Since you own both amps, I don't doubt your view that the AA implementation is superior but rather question whether the performance improvements would be sufficient, in mono on a center ch speaker,  to justify the $ outlay.
    I'm thinking it'd be more beneficial to compare my current monos driving my L+R mains to monos utilizing the new GaN FETs or the upcoming Atmasphere class D amps that may perform even better.
     I have a combo ht and 2-ch music system but my priority continues to be optimizing the music reproduction aspects.

Well, just because they both use UcD does not mean they sound the same. I found the EP monos thin in the mids, which exaggerated the highs. They were used with my KCIIs as is the AA amp 

anyway, Im getting PS Audio 700Ms and the gaincell dac/pre at a great price, so that should be a fun comparison. The PS only has about 300 hours so needs a couple weeks breakin before I can compare

"Well, just because they both use UcD does not mean they sound the same. I found the EP monos thin in the mids, which exaggerated the highs. They were used with my KCIIs as is the AA amp."

     Agreed.  That's what I meant when I stated "I don't doubt your view that the AA implementation is superior" on my last post.
      'Implementation' referring to how AA and EP implemented or incorporated the similar UcD class D power modules in their amp designs, with the understanding they're not identical and that you thought the AA implementation was superior based on its sound quality.


     No problem.  
     I think the biggest news of this thread is Atmasphere's upcoming introduction of a class D amp that will likely eliminate dead time with new circuitry that has a patent application pending and doesn't even require the use of the new GaN FETs.

    Things are progressing so rapidly in class D technology gains that the answer to this thread's question, which class D?, may be to just save your money and wait a while..... the answer will likely change, in absolute terms and probably especially if the price/performance ratio is considered.
