You can take your sound to the next level by paying attention to things like
vibration control and isolation. Much has been written on this subject,
and I recommend Lloyd Walker's piece on his website and Jim Smith's
"Get Better Sound." There are many threads on this site that talk
about such issues...
What shelving material are you using? Are you employing
anything between your electronics and the shelf it rests upon?
Are your speaker cables and interconnects off the floor and
properly configured? Why not pay attention to the little things
that will make it possible for you to more fully enjoy the gear that
you already own?
I am a fan of treating the room, too. The new Synergistic Research
HFTs and FEQ are really terrific, for they will let you hear what you have
been missing, but has always "present," all the time.
You can audition them risk-free for 30 days, and I recommend this.
I think, when you are looking to make very fine discriminations,
it makes sense to work with the big, expensive pieces that you
already own, and ask yourself, "what fine-tuning, which adjustments can give me the biggest sonic bang for my dollars?" The journey can be a lot of fun, and yield unexpected rewards...
Isn't it that everything counts, everything contributes to the end product
that reaches your ears? You can surely replace speakers, components, and cables in your system.
If you are not making attempts to make improvements with the gear you already have, aren't you more likely just to interchange pieces, and
increase the cost of your system, without any assurance that you will
be pleased with the end result?
It is your dollars, and your time. The choices are yours!