Now that I have heard the LRS+ with my very powerful CODA #16 and KC62 sub. I recommend as much power for the LRS+. The CODA #16 is great with the LRS+.
Which Hegel Amp with LRS+
Hi there. I am updating my system for watching TV, movies and other video content. I am taking the opportunity of moving away from an AV receiver and my 18 year old Acoustic Energy system. Replacing it will be a LRS+ (which I have already purchased) and a Hegel amplifier. The question is which Hegel amplifier?
I understand from comments by others that the H95 runs very hot when driving the LRS+. The H190 seems up to the job, but then again there is the H390 which can handle the power requirements of the LRS+ in its stride. As it is quite a jump (price wise) between the H190 and the H390, I am wondering whether it would be worth spending the extra money for the H390? 🤔
Can I check with those that have a pair of LRS speakers and Hegel amplifiers as to your experience, and which Hegel amplifier that you would recommend and the rationale for the same?
FYI apart from watching video content, I will be connecting the Hegel to my Roon Nucleus as well.
Thanks in advance for your input.
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- 28 posts total
Audio Excellence did a video on the LRS which identified Hegel as a good match. I would suggest that, if money isn't a consideration, get the most powerful amp you can afford the 390 or 590. However, the 190 is probably fine. It's amusing that when someone asks which Hegel amp would be best, you get responses about other amps. There are lots of other amps that would work. Heck, I drove the LRS well with an ancient HK SS amp. |
depends on size of room and how loud you want to play the lrs’s h190 under most normal use cases will be quite sufficient, but h390 obviously provides a greater (but perhaps unnecessary) degree of headroom on transients in my own case, i found the h190 worked just fine with my 1.7i’s in a 19x23x10 room, speakers 3.5 ft up from front wall, 10 ft equilateral listening triangle, 85-88 db peaks, no strain, no foreshortening of the soundstage when pushed (a typical sign of lack of headroom) |
- 28 posts total