Lots of good points above especially the posts by Larryi and Keithr. It is easy to fixate on the power rating and debate a 8w vs. 15w vs. 30w amp. The reality is that the numerical rating often does not correlate with how a particular SE amp sounds on a particular speaker. It is much more important to find an amp that is a synergistic match to the particular speaker. With a SE amp, it is important to use a speaker of high efficiency and easy-to-drive impedance characteristic. This is true regardless of the rated power output of the SE amp. In my case, I use a SE 46 amp which only has a little more than 1 watt output, yet it sounds much more powerful than the rating would suggest.....provided you use a compatible speaker. My speakers are around 98 db efficiency and a fairly flat 16 ohm load so they qualify as a nice match. Nevertheless, as good as the 46 amps sound, and they are the best sounding SE amps I have heard, for my tastes and on my speakers I eventually always return to my PP amps and usually find them to be a more satisfying sound overall. My PP amps happen to be more powerful (around 35 watts) and that probably contributes to the unstressed dynamic peaks but the PP amps also have more control, a tighter grip on the music. Interestingly, some people hearing both amps on my system prefer the SE 46 and some prefer the PP KT-77. There is room for both camps.
It can be difficult to predict one's preference just from reading forums like this one. You really have to live with each amp in your system for an an extended period and then decide for yourself.
It can be difficult to predict one's preference just from reading forums like this one. You really have to live with each amp in your system for an an extended period and then decide for yourself.