Which integrated amp with Harbeths?

Looking to put together a very simple 2 channel system around Harbeth Super HL5s, Ayre CX-7e redbook player, and (rarely) play some vinyl. Asking for your reccomendations on an integrated amp that would match well with the Harbeths. I've auditioned the Krell 400xi, and will soon try the Plinius 9100/9200. Budget of $2,500.+/-, used on A'gon. Jazz, blues, folk, standards and especially female vocals are my main point of interest. Thanks in advance for your input.
Nolitan - I agree, but I've just not been able to find a dealer that had the Harbeth Super 5s AND an integrated in the $2.5 - $3K range in stock to demo. I listen to jazz/standards/blues and, most importantly, female vocals. I'll keep looking in my travels but will probably end up just buying something here, knowing that if I don't like the synergy I can turn around and resell for a relatively small loss.

You can purchase the SHL5 first & try to see if you can home audition some of your nearby dealers amps. Am sure some dealers will allow it while others wont. But one thing for sure, the Harbeths are forgiving enough that whatever you put in there it will have the Harbeth charm. Its really hard to make the Harbeths sound bad.
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I heartily disagree. First, you will hear differences between amplifiers, albeit less so than with some other speakers. And if you are talking about the SHL5 model, you are not talking about a monitor and you probably won't feel a need for a subwoofer. But if you do, supplementing the bass with a REL will do the trick just fine. For that, you won't need pre out and amp in connections.