I recently made the transition from 3 to one multi -- I had a krell for the fronts -- plenty of slam and punch and resolution, a Classe stereo on high and low of the center -- very delicate and detailed, crisp and clear resolution of dialogue, and a Legacy for the rears, with fantastic punch and resolution. I came to those matchings after moving each of them all around for the best position. This was alot of fun and alot of work, but finally I tried out a multi (Cal Audio, 500 watts per channel) -- the first time I heard it, I realized how much my system could have benefited from the cohesion and coherence that comes with a multi. There are drawbacks however -- my speakers are large and I listen loud, so the amp tends to draw alot of current from a single outlet all at once on peaks and this has proved too much at times, but the system came together in a way it had not before. However, if you use 3 amps from the same manufacturer for all 5 channels........
Which is better- one 5 channel amp or 3 stereo?
I'm buying a used Shure 5200 with remote to replace my dead Paramount Prologic. I have a dvd player with built in DD/DTS decoder.
The Shure was considred tops and the first to create a unified system approach of processor, amps and speakers. it presaged the coming of H-THX by several years, and it's acra vector logic was far superior to prologic. However, Dolby labs willingness to license Pro-Logic for pennies doomed Shures more expensive Acra-Vector (shadesof VHS vs Beta).
Anyway, Shure insists it's system is intended for multiple stereo amps, not a single multi channel amp. Does anyone have opinions either way?
FYI- Front end is a JVC 85 wpc av- integrated amp with video switching and processor loop.
The Shure was considred tops and the first to create a unified system approach of processor, amps and speakers. it presaged the coming of H-THX by several years, and it's acra vector logic was far superior to prologic. However, Dolby labs willingness to license Pro-Logic for pennies doomed Shures more expensive Acra-Vector (shadesof VHS vs Beta).
Anyway, Shure insists it's system is intended for multiple stereo amps, not a single multi channel amp. Does anyone have opinions either way?
FYI- Front end is a JVC 85 wpc av- integrated amp with video switching and processor loop.