Which monitor speakers are the most detailed...

and musical? I'm looking to start a second system and have read many threads regarding monitors such as ACI Jaguar, Merlin TSM, Totem Tabu and Dynaudio 1.3SE. Unfortunately, I live in an area where I can't audition any of the aforementioned. Any input would be greatly appreciated. My second system consists of Sim I-5 integrated, Cary CD-306-200, Silver Audio interconnects, Silver Audio Power Burst powerchords and Symphony 32 speaker cables.

Showing 1 response by marakanetz

I agree with you Shanej in what you've mentioned in particular:
Totem Tabu or if you find for >3k Totem Mani and don't forget about the stands.
They can through some flor-standing deep and tight bass with uniquely defined mids and musical highs.