Which speakers to be ''in'' the music?

Hey everyone, I started my journey not so long ago and tried different entry level models of brands such as Triangle, Paradigm and Monitor Audio. Right now I listen to a pair of Vandersteen 2ce Sig II which do a lot of good things for me. But what I want is not for the music to be laid out in front of me, clearly organized, I want to be IN the music, I want depth and verticalilty, good imaging but I don’t need super precise or realistic soudstage. I listen to all sorts of music but mainly Jazz, classical and electronic music. Which brand of speakers would have such philosophy? Due to covid it’s really hard to organize listening session so I would like to have some insights before booking appointments. My budget for the next pair will be around 7.5K usd, so kind of entry/mid level still. Any suggestions?

I am french, so sorry for the clunky english.

Best regards,


+1 for Magnepans

My 2 cents:

Their SQ / $$ ratio seems very high.  Driving them with 220W per channel, the soundstage and imaging is impressive.   

They sound OK anywhere in the room, but when you get in the sweet spot, the music transforms into 3 dimensions if it was recorded well.  The speakers need a lot of air around them, they need about 4 feet from any wall.  

I have only auditioned these against B&W and Goldenear, and we all know there are better sounding speakers out there.  From what I have auditioned and researched,  they are hard to beat for the price.

The brand that is always true to the music and gives most of bang for buck  is Totem from Montreal . At least of the hundred I have tried .
Just my 2 cents.
I have Ref 3A de Capos on one system and Klipsch Quartets on the other both low power set amps ( 4 and 6 wpc).  The de capos are more real in one way detailed, clean but the Quartets with horns always reminds of sitting at a live concert.
The most important thing for imaging is room acoustics. 

If you are not feeling depth, height, and a width that goes past your speakers, your room is failing you.