Which tube cd player do you like

Which tube cd player sounds good to you,and why
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"i own a paradisea. i would not recommend this dac. i will put it up for sale at the end of the summer. it does not sound like it has a tube in it."

What were you using as a transport?
I'm enjoying the Modwright Sony 9100ES with Platinum Signature Truth Mod. I haven't heard all of the other cdp's mentioned above but, for me, the Modwright satisfies to the degree that I don't feel a need to. FWIW.
i tried two transports, the vincent cd player , the s6 and the audio note cd 2.
I changed my (SS)marantz sa 11 s1 to (tube)audio aero capitol reference.

Marantz is very precise, pin point focus, imaging, excellent timming, more audiophile (not very musical). sounds very good with rock too(metalica)

Audio aero Capitol ref is very musical, relaxed, less digititis, timming is not as good as marantz, vocal is definitly superior than marantz, dosent sound good with rock.

SACD play back of marantz is definitly superior to the CD play back of Audio Aero capitol in every way by a wide margin.
If you like the tube sound you may want to consider the Audio Aero Capitole Reference.

If you like SS sound you may want to consider the Emm Labs or Esoteric players. SimAudio has a player that can compete here too ... their top of the line.

In any case, if you are wandering what the difference between SS and tube players is ... this is my experience:

SS players tend to sound very precise, very sharp and focused in the soundstage. This is very impressive in the short term ... that is until you hear good vinyl or good quality tube players.

Tube players CAN sound softer, less focused in the soundstage but much more refined and non-fatiguing in the long term. Of course this is not always the case and generally depends on the quality of execution.

If you like Audio Aero ... you may want to save up and try the Capitole MKII SE or the Reference. They are both good players and both have an internal preamp which makes it very convenient. I should warn you that th BDR feet that come with the Capitole/Prestige players really limit dynamics and make the sound muddy. You need to change these as soon as possible as well as the stock powercord.

As far as SS vs tube is concerned ... there are always notable exceptions: the MBL player does not sound like a SS playe at all ... in fact it is a phenomenal player. Neither does the APL NWO 2.5 which is another phenomenal player. And the Zanden transport/DAC combo is sheer beauty.

I should mention that I also own a Modwright Sony NS999ES with all the latest mods ... also a tube player but which tends to sound more like the Emm Labs players. In other words precision and reality instead of music and emotion.

The best way is to go out and listen for yourself. Then see if you can audition it in your own setup for a few days.

I would agree with the general opinion on the AR players. I personally do not enjoy this particular TYPE of sound ... it is far too aggressive and one-dimensional for me. Good for rock and metal and dance perhaps but really lacking for music that does not rely on repetitive beats.