Which Tube Tester

I am looking for a tester for KT88s, EL34 & 6sn7 being relatively new to the tube circle, I am looking on ebay for a tube tester, but am unsure which one to bid on.

I am only really interested in these three types of tubes for now the testers seem to go for $10-$300. I will not be spending the $300 but if there is a brand and model number someone would suggest I would be grateful.

(Ozzy Sorry if this the wrong forum again)
I bought a B&K 607 on ebay and it works fine for me. I think you can get them for $50 or less
Many if not all B&K are solid state which is actually a good idea and produced well into 60s giving you the options you want. I don't know if the prices quoted are for excellent working condition calibrated examples. You have to realize that there only a few guys left with any real experience working on these. Be very carefu there is a lot of pure useless S**t, sold on ebay. I found out the hard way. Spend the money!or borrow someone elses. You should IMHO buy it from a reputable dealer it's worth not throwing good money after bad. BTW I use a 800 Hickock which test only some of your tubes but is a very good instrument.
I came across these two testers



I think bother tester are new products whereas most only tester Ebay is over 30 years old.

I have no experience with them but the Maxi-Matcher look good.
What about the AT1000? Isn’t this a prima tester for audio use?