Another ZYX/JMW user here. My Airy 3S-SB rides on a TNT6 w/12.6 arm. I went w/the silver version based on Mehran's recommendation relative to my system, and am very happy with it. I also considered both the Benz LP and the Cardas Heart(i.e. modified Benz), but thought that the Benz might lean a bit too far towards warmth at the expense of transparency. The ZYX silver versions are a bit warmer than the more neutral copper, but IMHO it is still more neutral sounding than most other carts I've heard.
Haven't heard the Skala, no opinion there.
One aspect of the ZYX that I find exceptional is its ability to play less than pristine LPs without surface noise. No other cartridges I've heard do as well on a mediocre record of letting the music through without annoying surface noise. If you're a used LP hunter, this is a worthwhile bonus and another factor in my overall satisfaction w/my ZYX.
Stltrains, FYI from what I've heard from VPI, the newer tables such as your Aries 3 are more neutral, (less dark) than the older VPIs. Many of their more recent design improvements such as the dual motor flywheel assembly and the HRX plinth layering are moving the VPI house sound away from dark-with-big-bass to a more balanced presentation. I agree w/your conclusion that the poster would risk too warm a presentation putting the Benz w/the older VPI. Cheers,