Which would you choose to isolate your turntable?

Choosing between MinusK, Vibraplane or Critical Mass System, which would you prefer? Or is there a superior alternative?
If someone has a product indicated as a BM shouldn't it be a 2 rather than a 1???
Whart: I would pursue products from companies that provide technical performance data, at least from those making claims about resonance control. Resonance/damping curves help a lot, especially based upon the weight rnnge to be used. Vibration control is quantifiable. I would demand it and not accept subjective descriptions which do not specify and guarantee performance. Isolation below 10 Hz and especially below 5 Hz, the lower the better, is very important. Airborne vibrations have negligible effect compared with structural vibrations except when very close to the component being isolated. I certainly am not opposed to the subjective side of things, but when it comes to vibration isolation it's a lot more science than art. I would consider the MinusK products. Halcyonics is another.