Which would you choose to isolate your turntable?

Choosing between MinusK, Vibraplane or Critical Mass System, which would you prefer? Or is there a superior alternative?
Hi Larry:

Probably pretty good. Their BM-1 line can be configured to handle up to 700 lbs, but cost more like $4K which given the t-table's cost, isn't really out of line. It also can isolate down to 0.5 Hz in both horizontal and vertical planes. This low an isolation level would really get the stress off the cantilever assembly.
If someone has a product indicated as a BM shouldn't it be a 2 rather than a 1???
Whart: I would pursue products from companies that provide technical performance data, at least from those making claims about resonance control. Resonance/damping curves help a lot, especially based upon the weight rnnge to be used. Vibration control is quantifiable. I would demand it and not accept subjective descriptions which do not specify and guarantee performance. Isolation below 10 Hz and especially below 5 Hz, the lower the better, is very important. Airborne vibrations have negligible effect compared with structural vibrations except when very close to the component being isolated. I certainly am not opposed to the subjective side of things, but when it comes to vibration isolation it's a lot more science than art. I would consider the MinusK products. Halcyonics is another.