Who else can't sleep the night before their fancy new gears arrive?

I have a BMC Ultradac arriving tomorrow and knowing me, I'll be awake all night. I'll be lucky if I get 3 hrs of sleep. 


@samureyex You have the matching BMC amp to go with the DAC? I remember when this brand dropped about 10 years ago and it was very well regarded, in both performance and price. But I have not seen basically any reviews since then.

The DAC really interests me because I want a DAC+analog volume control in one box. What is the volume control like on this compared to a normal preamp?


Geez, I think a certain member here may be an emotionless cyborg.

The 'Buzz Killington' model...

Not me.. I bought an accuphase e280...it's still sitting in the box. I can't bring myself to install it right now...too much to disconnect. At least I own it...well, the credit card company really owns it lol.

I do not get to worked up. I have 2 new components that arrived this week and they are sitting in my office. I will not be installing for another week or 2. Helps that I am out of town on business, but no big deal. It will be there when I get home and I will have things to do before the installs.