Who has dumped the power conditioner?

I recently replaced my mains conditioner, with a high quality power strip.(Oyaide MG).

The sound is now more detailed, dynamics I didn't know I was missing are back, and air and separation have all improved.
I am interested if anyone else has gone back to basics?
"Please! "...other than repping the products in Canada, Prosoundman has no financial interest, stake, claim, or other obligation or relationship to, with, or for Silver Circle Audio"

I'm confused - can you explain this to me?

Is he or is he not rep for Silver Circle Audio(in Canada or elsewhere)? If he is he should disclose it - simple. As far as I know reps don't operate for free (financial interest). If he is not then Audiofeil made false assumption. This is not just opinion - it's a truth.

Dave_b - I also initiated only one thread.
Well, ok then. However, in a sense we are all reps for ourselves. Reps, whom at some point, will cash in on our good intentions for either some intangible emotional reciprocity or perhaps something more practical, such as cold hard cash:O) One thread though, hmm?...still a little suspicious. Your not an ET with a jones for audio voyerism are you? Now that would be really weird!
"However, in a sense we are all reps..." - Are you trying to muddy the water? Repping product is a contract activity not the state of mind.

One thread though, hmm?...still a little suspicious - not really. For me this forum is an opportunity to learn (and very grateful for that). It can be achieved by asking questions or reading/absorbing - matter of preference.

"Your not an ET with a jones for audio voyerism are you?"

Could you translate?
Sure, I can translate...lighten up a little! Have you no sense of humor man? Loosen that tie and relax for awhile...it's all good:O> FYI, most of my comments are tongue in cheek...sometimes even foot in mouth:O< Enjoy K man...I'm sure your not an extraterestial (ET). Right?