Who makes budget speaker cables which are truly “good” or “exceptional” in quality?

A dealer of mine convinced me into buying Analysis Plus speakers cables that I have enjoyed for a few years now. I noticed some other companies making speaker cables for many multiples of $1k and wondered how many truly good companies are making budget speaker cables nowadays? Who are they? What are the prices?  I had Blue Jean speaker cables some years back and thought they were as good as the Analysis Plus brand I have now. What is your brand? 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop
Hi psyop,

I like Thales Cables. They are a little more than the analysis plus but well worth it. They will give cables that are in the tens of thousands a serious run for the money. 

Agreed that many “budget” cables can make this list...and that’s the fun of discovery. My fast vote for Budget is Signal Cable. Silver Resolution Speaker Cable. 

(Higher vote for the AC Silver Resolution Power Cord.) Might add that the other matching Silver Resolution Cables are Fabulous. 

Price and Performance are Excellent. ...will they compete with “ultra” Cardas, Straight Wire, Kimber, Nordost, Transparent, NBS, Acoustic Zen...the Answer is no. 

But Count me in on Signal Cable Silver Resolution Products. “Bravo!”
With a little DIY-efford you can make the second best cable I have ever known/auditioned (the best was a solid silver wire by the Swiss company Audio Consulting, very pricey..., thread in a cotton hose).
It consists of 6 solid cores of bell wire in a PVC coat. So twist 3  opposed leads each and crimp with a cable lug/cable shoe, cable termination or whatever you need. You will get a cable that will outperform nearly every cable of the big names! Build with confidence- this cable won't disappoint you!
I have used many different cables from many companies. After over 55 years of audiophile fun and games I now use AWG10/type3-k tinned marine mains wire. Type 3 has greater strand count and k is for awg30 individual strand size. It can be had at reasonable per foot cost (under .50) and has superb audio characteristics. All interconnects and speaker wiring has only one goal, to transmit the signal with no alteration. If a connect is adding some "voice" to the sound then for me it is unacceptable.