who needs a cd player anymore

I have not used my 2 cd players in over a year and i don't miss them. I have a krell kid ipod player, msb ilink and wadia i170 all ipod based. The real advantage is not having to search though hundreds of cd and wasting time on finding songs. On one ipod touch 32 GB i have over 3,000 itunes plus songs on it. On my other ipod i have apple lossless music only. My point when you lose your cd player and go to a music server, ipod etc. you can enjoy so much more music and thats what its really about.

Showing 2 responses by chadnliz

Well 3000 songs is hardly alot of music in these circles and in fact is somewhat of a starter collection so when you get to 1000, 3000, or 10,000 cd's in your collection and look at expense of storage, risk of potential loss of data and give up holding your "baby's" while enjoying the info that many cd's contain (via a magnifying glass) then get back to us. I have looked into it from a disability angle and would like to try but even my 800cd library seems expensive to really do right and I dont want to give up the interaction of playing music on my gear, atleast not yet as I assume its gonna dumb it all down a bit.
To say Ipoda and the like are all crap shows you dont really know what can be done with this technology, it can be and often is fantastic, new download technology can even surpase what the redbook cd can do. Its more about the fact many dont want a "virtual" collection...........it has little to do with actual quality of reproduction.
If I were to do a server, it would sound great and I know for a fact it can be killer but I would loose the physical connection with music and I fear I would start to sample and cherry pick tunes instead of listening and discovering new music. Yes call it what ever you want but I and others proudly show our collection of music, to loose that doesnt seem like something I am ready to do.