Who's using Harbeth with tubes, what speaker model and how many watts per channel?

Curious what current consensus is regarding the above question.

Thank you.
My favorite Harbeth/Amp combo was SHL5+ being driven by an Air Tight ATM-2 amp. 

The Air Tight makes approx. 80W, I used a Lampizator Big 7 as a preamp and DAC. 

The most enjoyable sound I've had in my home. 

ahhh airtight atm-2 -- what a wonderful piece what a sound

need to get mine out play it again... kt88 magic...

has front panel input thru volume pot too... eliminate the linestage if single sourcing!!!

The ATM-2 is really an amazing amp. I regret selling and would love to find another. 

IMHO, Best Harbeth sound from tubes came from a pair of MC 60s my PE upgraded according to scientific principles to take advantage of the wide bandwidth output transformers.