Who says cables don't make a difference?

Funny, after all these years, people still say things like "you wasted all that money on cables". 
There are still those who believe cables don't make a difference.
I once did marketing for a cable line I consider to be about the best-Stealth Audio Cables. 
One CES, I walked the rooms with the designer/owner, Serguei Timachev. He carried a pair of his then new Indra interconnects. Going from room to room he asked the room runners to replace their source to preamp IC with the Indra. There was not one that was not completely flabbergasted and said that the Indras blew away what they were using. That was the skyrocketing of Indra and Stealth. The Indra became one of the best reviewed cables ever.
Serguei now makes the Sakra-an IC that blows away the Indra!
I don't understand why some still do not value cables as much as I.
@drbarney1 , you really should have thrown in dielectric diffraction and triboelectric effect in there for good measure?  ... I am laughing with you, not at you.  I probably shouldn't tell you I once read a "respected" audiophile claim you shouldn't use speaker wire much bigger than 10awg because the effects of skin resistance get too large? ... ya, shook my head at that one too. Surface area is obviously too complex a concept for some people.
Barney, I think you’ve got it backwards, people buy expensive stuff,  because they hear a difference. Not buy it then feel like they have to say it’s good, though even then, I wouldn’t do that, as I do buy some thing without the ability to hear it first. Why is it that people believe that someone who purchases an expensive cable will lie about it, and yet not say the same thing about say an amp, or certainly not to the same level as with cables. It seems to me that some are trying too hard to convince themselves of something, so that their own ideas aren’t shattered. Hey, if you honestly tell me that you can’t hear a difference, where I honestly can, I’m not going to argue that at all. And I certainly would. It recommend that you spend money in that case as there is no value for you. Just as I might like electrostatic speakers and you might hate them. Then, why would I suggest that you buy them? Or just the opposite, why should I not buy something, because you don’t like them, or can’t hear a difference. Why can’t we each hear what we hear, and like what we like. No need to revert to arguments about how you feel some manufacturers market their products that you don’t like, we are discussing what I hear and like and what you like and hear, or don’t hear as the case may be. Why do so many feel the need to tell people who spend on cables that they’re basically fools and idiots, and have duped themselves into believing something that is not true. I don’t see those people trying so hard to convince the ones who can’t hear any differences that their hearing is somehow inadequate. 
$12,000 cables is conspicuous consumption especially when the laws of diminishing returns, if not gravity itself combined with the placebo effect kick in, and therefore immoral imho. 

Use lamp wire and feed the starving children in Bangladesh. 
No, they don't try to convince them of it. They just state is as a fact ... while never putting their own ears/brain to critical evaluation.

I don’t see those people trying so hard to convince the ones who can’t hear any differences that their hearing is somehow inadequate.

No, they don’t try to convince them of it. They just state is as a fact ... while never putting their own ears/brain to critical evaluation.
This is a decree about all an undeterminate crowd, qualified by the name: audiophiles...

Please note....