Who Tried Power Conditioners Over The Years and No Longer Use Them Today, Any Why?

Been thinking back to when I started in Audio and how good the system sounded with no power conditioners or fancy power cords. Then in the '90s slowly they both became a huge profit market for stores and manufacturers of them. If you used one on front end gear only or whole systems I will be interested in your real-world experience you could share with us all. I have a few so I am not against them, but I do at times have questions. 
All circuits in my house are 20amp as it was built. I have all units plugged into a Mc MP500 and use my own built power cords of Furutec components. I like having the ability to unplug just the PC when experiencing lightning storms which we have frequently in the spring and fall. 
I bought an Audence AR-6 a couple of houses ago and it got rid of the noise in the power.  The last house, the power was cleaner and I pulled it from the system.  We just moved again and the power here is really flaky so it’s back in the system.

All the best.

+1 Clearthinker

(though some outlets also stimulate insecurity and intolerance.)
" But profits come from satisfying consumer demand."

No Miller. Profits come from stimulating it.

You've said it Miller:  "Selective memory nostalgia", is when you think you hear a difference after adding a passive component that you've paid a lot of money for, and then it gets locked in by the warm feeling generated by the apparently positive response to your wise spending. We all have the urge to feel happy whether or not there is anything to be happy about.

As far as passive power cords are concerned, all will do the same job as long as they can pass all the current demanded without high resistance.

Power conditioners can be useful if they can actively remove noise and other unwanted artifacts from the line.
A selective emotionally driven memory which places the issue of selective emotionally driven memory -- on everyone else.

Thank you for making decisions for me about who and what I am. I'm too dense to make my own decisions. I don't have enough self awareness for that.

Thank the gods some of you (you know who you are) are out there. I need to be saved.
Does any one here have direct knowledge concerning the type/brand of power conditioning that hi-end component manufacturers use?  

Pretty obvious that PS Audio uses their house brand.  I'm asking about brands such as ARC, Pass, Boulder etc.
