Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?

I am really beginning to believe these 180 remasters are mixed for a 500.00 system.It seems every one I buy it's either super bright,or has an ass load of bass in all the wrong places.The Bowie i have the soundstage is all wacked out .I have a decent setup but i can't imagine how much more obvious it must be on a serious setup.I can say the Yes fragile I got lately (cut fromt he original tapes) sounds pretty good ,Zeppelin In thru the outdoor Yikes! so bright waste of 25.00 again..... 
hdm- yep, the RE-1 is an Artisan, the RE-2 looks like a Winchester. The labels are a bit different too--no Warner in a bubble on the inner rim of the label circumference writing of the RE-1, which also has the words 'STEREO' in block print at 6 o' clock on the label. (I have several different records from Reprise from this era with the STEREO marking as described that all sound really good, never checked to see if that is because they are all Artisans- i think that style label was only used briefly). The RE-1 is punchier sounding than the RE-2. 
"Why do I keep torturing myself with remasters?"

You support every cause  :)

Thanks Bill. I will keep my eye out for one. 

(I'm blakep over at the Hoffman forum ;)  )
One thing to mention a Vacuum tube such as Transcendance  Masterpiece 300B preamp 
Makes all vinyl and cds eound better incredible value,
Also For digital Schiit Audio Their top of the Line for $2400,
If that is too much thier $1300 Multibit  Gungnir dac which I just had upgraded 
Is Incredibly good. Cds you thought you  knew are  more listenable better on every level it took  them 2 years to develop the  Analog devises Ladder dac chip sets . Mike Moffett ,no one puts out better digital unless you have big $$ bucks.
2 solid tips that are Guaranteed winners.
I enjoy the input from everyone,although i am really trying to replace an irreplacable collection.I bought 90% of my jap pressings brand new and i mean hundred and hundred and hundreds and huuuundreds or german pressings ..Some of the early originals masters I had  Rush permanant waves was one i liked .The bulk of my collection aside form jazz was progressive rock.These albums are 30-75 plus bks used on discdogs etc.I am just growing tired of ordering a used lp paying to ship it and be disapointed again and again .I am crushing my nitty gritty lol.So I have been buying 180 g feel nice lol but almost not all are sh&tty.As for cd i had probly 5-7ooo all smoke damaged the smoke litterally rolled around in the holes of the jewel leaving a rezin much like my old pipe in high school lol.I tried everything i mean everything .Believe it or not bong cleaner minus the salt worked best.but 75% are just wasted .lps were in another room they were evaporated probly 2000. I,m sure i lost over 125k in music.Insurance would not cover it because i did not have any pics or documents. The equipment was wasted cj, maggies 3a , sunfires linn lp12 ,nakamichi reel luxman etc etc lol..or cry ...I am just trying to slowly get the bad taste out of my mouth 8yrs later and try to rebuild some of my collection again..Thanks to all